Forza Horizon 4 Needs Better Stat Tracking Tools von Sletrrys Blog

As experienced veterans will tell you, there are just two factors to Microsoft's best-selling FH4 Credits  franchise. The significant side is the one dominated xbox's answer to Sony Gran Turismo lineage, by Forza Motorsport.

This provides racing for speed warriors that are dedicated, with the focus being the pursuit of ever-tighter lap times and authenticity. The flipside to this coin is your Forza Horizon household; although it shares the same core DNA as Forza Motorsport, it does not take itself as seriously. There is a feeling of adventure in every Horizon outing, using a open-world map to push round, stunts to perform and competitions to challenge.

This fun detour on the Forza roadmap has seen three entries, with Forza Horizon 3 being among the greatest driving games of 2016. Now, programmer Playground Games is launch the second DLC growth, following Blizzard Mountain of the game -- and also the fact that it entails the toy manufacturer Hot Wheels should raise no eyebrows, given the joyful nature of the franchise.

"We had a great deal of thoughts about what we can do for our instant expansion, and we knew we wanted to give our fans a very different experience from those we've delivered with Forza Horizon 3," states Playground Games creative manager Ralph Fulton.

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