The Rainbow Six Siege Was Top of This Sports Gaming von Sletrrys Blog

Until an event is confirmed, if R6 Items be occurring, Rainbow Six Siege players possess the game's latest spot to play on and maintain them until Halloween comes around. More upgrades are expected to come before then, but Ubisoft's latest most recent changelist made some sweeping changes to teamkilling that those who grow frustrated with their teammates will want to take notice of.

"The group murdering penalty for a first offense will be corrected from a kick to a 30 minute ban," Ubisoft's patch notes said with a complete breakdown of their new teamkilling penalties found here. "Originally, if a player was team murdered in Casual, the offender was kicked in the game. The same situation in Ranked could lead to a kick but also triggered an abandon penalty. This was confusing because it appeared like the team killing punishment was different between Ranked vs Casual."

Looks like Halloween is currently coming to Rainbow Six Siege at a large way. There appeared teasing a variant of the House map redecorated for Halloween temporarily A playlist on the menu following the most recent patch. Then it vanished like a Ubisoft engineer -- or just like a ghost immediately realizing a brand new holiday feature had been shown.

The playlist appears to be House, all of the time, in multiplayer that is standard. The difference is that House is decked out by halloween decorations, with spooky jack-o'-lanterns spread round the premises. It is hard to tell how much the map is going to be changed given that we're looking at one teaser , however you can at least expect some redecoration.

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