As mentioned in last buy wow classic gold WoW von Maplestory2Ms Blog

As mentioned in last buy wow classic gold WoW Classicast, many no-changes people wouldnt mind when they balanced some things somewhat, the issue is that with so many people, so many opinions, its much"safer" to just create one larger community around no changes so that it isnt like. . You changed this so now you need to change this as well. Its much safer for blizzard, since every switch is a risk to provoke a riot because possible. No changes is just the safe path of action.

I think classes should be changed after a few months of Naxx releasing, then they could make a reset, rather like D3 does with seasons, and allow players update everything but with new course changes and all, allow folks encounter WoW Classic themselves first hand once more because if Blizzard makes class changes in the Go people will start bitching and say everything was perfect with how WoW Classic was initially, people are able to experience how some classes were and they can see why Blizzard decided to change and/or improve from those classes and let them perform the changes as well. With the WoW Classic Philosophy naturally.

Fans of WoW Classic need to check out the success of Old School Runescape and consider how WoW Classic carrying the same approach will likely benefit in precisely the same way. It could possibly be fresh content, but all of it's in accordance with the doctrine of the older game, so it is accepted. I believe that would give us more nostalgia, as I think most people played WoW as a sandbox when we were children anyway.

What I genuinely hope Blizzard does is have a innovative"legacy" server. I adore the concept of WoW Classic, but give it a year or two, and I feel it could become stale. The thing I truly want to see introduced would be the reintroduction of all expansions, I know for a fact that lots of people would adore a Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King private host, and it'd be pretty fucking cool in order to witness the old expansions come out in their former glory. I believe a system along the lines of having Vanilla Server A, then introducing Burning Crusade Server A together with the capacity of transferring characters from Vanilla Server A to it would be wow classic gold a publication and pretty cool system. To be honest although interest in it would definitely die down following Wrath of the Lich King, I'd still sincerely appreciate replaying a slice of Cata (Never got to perform Firelands, and that pisses me off), and relive my nostalgia for a PvP BM Hunter at MoP like I was all those years ago.

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