The loot which needs to cheap classic wow gold be von Maplestory2Ms Blog

The loot which needs to cheap classic wow gold be spread between 40 people where healer cloth equipment will automatically visit paladins, leather dps to rogues, tank equipment to warriors and etc.. Some specs are reputable for PVP but you still have to be accepted in raids in order to farm gear because boss items are great for PVP too, so people won't throw themselves into the hell pit simply to experience another course.

Given on WoW Classic already. Ion's conclusions have already nerfed raid articles to be simpler than LFR and the huge content streamers want WoW Classic changed for their biases. Seriously f#%. I'll play Nostalrius two and observe Blizzard go bankrupt catering to people who roll a course like warrior, die to level 10 murlocs and cry

in their paladin not being powerful with a victim complex. Have fun with a transformed, broken WoW Classic based on individuals who don't realize that you can not have 40 man raids without lots of healers, rather than realizing that ALL CLASSES RESPEC TO RAID such as mages, rogues and warriors. The mage frost PVE spec in ancient tiers doesn't have shatter.

Obvious this guy never even raided in Vanilla which is the reason why he thinks Tier 2 and 1 had 16 debuffs (Ion lied for you idiot) and that 1.12 rogues"2 shot everyone" based off old videos against undergeared players, often in different spots, when some individuals even had a PC which could capture footage from 2004-2006. Druids are one of the top 1 v 1 classes (see StormX), ele shamans mess people (visit Wrex) and hybrids are certainly not poor and they never were. Maybe you should have actually learned to play that druid rather than attributing class design for why you failed. Then again that is why you remained on the course to get that built in excuse is not it.

I'm a ele shaman primary btw and I respec to cure in raids and you? Are crap. Shamans need no buffs, elemental doesn't have to be viable and you are a HEAL hybrid. If you are a heal hybrid which never cries offheals or dispels at a BG, you are crap. Nobody wants to play you. If wow classic gold you don't want to learn how to cure then do not play a heal hybrid. Do not play WoW Classic and do not play MMO's. Go drama that idiotic Anthem match or Destiny or the MMO YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR. Present WoW. You clowns destroyed WoW and want to ruin it around again.

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