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xbmudblc Apr 6 '20
Viaxin At the top of the movement, remember to hold the bar for two seconds to achieve peak contraction in the working muscle. 7. Focus on inflating the chest as much as possible, and do not bring the shoulder blades together, as is customary when doing the bench press. An air-filled chest will help muscles contract better, so be sure to follow this rule. Use the above recommendations on the technique of performing the horizontal bench press exercise, and you can surprise everyone around with your impressively developed pectoral muscles. The chest muscles are one of the largest muscle groups of a person, which is located on the outer surface of the thoracic region. In their structure, they have the shape of a fan and consist of 3 main muscle bundles. 1. The large muscle of the chest has a powerful muscle structure and therefore occupies 90% of the chest. The main feature is their pairedness and plane. Read More:- >>