Has Mike Williams finally arrived? | Forum

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zhangzk Mai 16 '19

 In the staff’s slack chat Cheap Nasir Adderley Jersey , while the guys were going back-and-forth on whether the team will actually sign TE Antonio Gates prior to the season opener, our very own Jamie Hoyle asked a fairly thought-provoking question:“What were everyone’s impressions of Mike Williams in the preseason? Has he arrived? Or are you taking more of a wait-and-see approach?”This got the guys thinking and we all had enough to say about the subject that we might as well throw it into a roundtable and see what the rest of you guys think, as well.So here we go. Has Mike Williams shown enough in the preseason to qualify as “arrived” or is it all meaningless until the regular season?Jamie Hoyle: No, he hasn’t arrived yet. Don’t get me wrong, I think he looked good in spurts and has clearly made some positive strides, but he did all of his preseason damage against second and third team corners fighting for jobs. He hasn’t even managed to leapfrog Travis Benjamin or Tyrell Williams on the depth chart yet. Call me crazy, but a preseason touchdown against Akeem Grant, who probably won’t make Seattle’s 53-man roster, just doesn’t do anything for me. I’m definitely taking a wait-and-see approach before declaring Mike has arrived.Louis Gorini: I’m definitely taking a wait-and-see approach. He hasn’t really connected with Rivers during game action, he hasn’t really been with the ones, either. But I don’t think he’s a bust like White has been for the Bears.Ruben Gonzalez: I think he has arrived. He’s got that confidence he was missing last year. That has everything to do with him being healthy and trusting his body. With Keenan on the other side, and Tyrell in the mix, he may not see as many targets, but you can bet that he will be Phillip’s first look anywhere inside of the 20 yd line.Max Schultz: For me, he’s merely elevated himself from bust to sometime contributor. I can’t see why anybody would say he’s showing his draft potential, yet.Richard Wade: I tend to agree with Max. I haven’t seen anything that has me ready to count on Williams.Daniel Stebbins: I don’t feel he has arrived, not as one would reasonably expect from a 7th-overall pick. I do, however, feel he will take a major leap forward compared to last season. I’d say he has likely now become a major contributor White Nasir Adderley Jersey , but for 7th overall that person should be a focal point, not just a great tool.Mike Murray: He arrived to the preseason. We will have to wait until September 9th to see if that translates to real NFL games. Everything seems to be pointing in the direction that he is going to be a superstar, but we won’t really know until it is tested in the real NFL environment. Now if we are projecting where we think he will land, I think anywhere between top 5 receiver in the league and a really good #2.Michael Peterson: I am fairly on-the-fence about Mike Williams and whether or not he has finally “arrived”. If we transplanted his performance from this preseason and moved it back a year, how would we have felt about it then? I feel fans would still be excited about his play, but with it being his sophomore campaign, I can understand why most wouldn’t be all that impressed. I think from what we have seen so far, there have been a number of traits shown that show promise and the potential to translate into the regular season but until that happens I will just take the wait-and-see approach like Hoyle and others.What do you guys think? Get in on the conversation and tell us whether or not you believe Mike Williams has finally “arrived” . Super Bowl and Win Total odds are released.. so is our anti-hero, from Debtors Prison"WhiteFanposts Fanshots Sections San Diego Chargers Daily LinksSan Diego Chargers NewsSan Diego Chargers OffseasonSan Diego Chargers HistorySan Diego Chargers HumorThe earliest prop bets rouse The Degenerate Gambler from his slumberNew,2commentsSuper Bowl and Win Total odds are released.. so is our anti-hero, from Debtors PrisonPDTShareTweetShareShareThe earliest prop bets rouse The Degenerate Gambler from his slumberSpringfield Hospital, 13:32 hoursAh students, thanks for meeting me here. Our field studies portion, as you know, is one of the hardest credits to finish. I see that Jeremy hasn’t arrived.. well, let’s wish him luck in finding real data for his Psychology of Habitual Degeneration thesis. Susan? There you are. Go ahead and give us an update on why we are here.“Certainly, Dr. Howard. So we are here at Springfield Hospital to inspect the patient known as #32-D, an example of extreme gambling addiction. He’s been in here since being released in early February. Just last month we positively identified him as THE Degenerate Gambl—”Susan, it is important to keep our biases in check. 32D might ha—QUIET IN THE BACK!If I hear another Victoria’s Secret quip Nasir Adderley Los Angeles Chargers Jerseys , I’ll fail the lot of you! Now, 32-DEE might have a reputation that you are familiar with, but we must approach this patient as we might any other. Go ahead, Susan.“Patient 32D showed outward signs of extreme habitual degeneration, persistent failure to learn from even the most obvious of patterns, self-destructive tendencies, and an obsessive focus on sporting information.”And not just any information, class. The NFL, a famous target for degener..—similar patients—is not a surprise fixation. What IS noteworthy is that this example only seemed to focus on one entity. The San Die-”“LA, sir.”The Los Angeles Chargers. Thank you, Susan. While that in and of itself is a bit of a surprise, what is even more astounding is that we tracked this patient all around the country—Pittsburgh, Denver.“And London, sir.”Yes, even outside of the United States. While it is possible that outside elements were financing his degenerative habits, he seemed to have a driving impulse to be close to the action whenever possible. What separates this example from so many others, though, was this patient’s obsessive focus on the Chargers in particular.“We originally tried a simple experiment—feeding the patient information on another entity, the AAF. No obsessive fixation Los Angeles Chargers Jerseys Stitched , no degerative actions taken.”We theorized that perhaps setting was a variable, so we fed information about the San Diego Fleet. No change.“Baseball season did not bring any change in behavior at all. Even the Super Bo—”I’m afraid that we can’t use any anecdotal information about the Super Bowl, Susan. We were not able to chart the patient at that time. Yes, it’s possible that even an LA-based team wasn’t enough to coax degenerative habits from the patient, but we must focus on what we’ve been able to chart directly. It appears that, after the Chargers finished their season, this patient simply.. entered a sort of torpid state.“We found 32-D here in early February, but the patient has hardly moved during that time. He faces south-west and sighs periodically. Vital functions appear to indicate a sort of dormant state. It is as if he somehow bases his physical needs around the dopamine rush associated only with gambling related with one specific entity.”You are well aware of my work showing that Mesolimbic dopamine, the chief neuromediator of incentive motivation, is indeed released to a larger extent in pathological gamblers than in healthy controls. I have also demonstrated that the resulting “rush” is not based necessarily on the anticipation of winning, but rather on the uncertainty of any reward at all. What is remarkable here is that, for the first time, we appear to have a physical correlation between body system activity and the expectation of Mesolimbic dopamine.“He goes cold when it’s not Chargers season. Literally, his temperature is 69 degrees.”I HEARD THAT, Mr. Fine! That’s it! This session is OVER! Go collect your own data without a primary source. Your work is due Monday regardless!HOURS LATERBeneath the door, a slip of paper is pushed into the Degenerate Gambler’s room.......-Jason “To be Continued” Michaels