How to Solve TurboTax Error Code 65535? | Forum

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NickJonas Feb 25 '20

When error code 65535 in TurboTax, then it can occur in your system due to various reasons. However, you can resolve this error by following the below-mentioned point:

D      Go to Taskbar > Task Manager

D      Now select the tab of Administrator.

D      Check the server position of MIS whether it is running or not

D      If it is running, then it implies that your Windows system is introducing something new.

D      Besides, when it is changed to stop, then the error code 65535 in TurboTax disappears.

If the error persists, then call turbotax customer care to take assistance from the experts who will resolve this error quickly.


  TurboTax cover pic.jpg (109.81Kb)